Research Databases (by Subject)

Select one of the subjects and you will be provided with relevant databases and descriptions. You will be prompted to enter your username and password. These are the same as you use to log-in on-campus .

Business Education Medical & Health
Careers & Occupations History Military & Government
Companies & Industries Humanities Multidisciplinary
Literature Science


- Military & Government -
  • Criminal Justice Collection - Whether studying to become a lawyer or law enforcement officer, paralegal, or for a career in Homeland Security, this collection rises to the challenge. Users will have access to 150 journals.
  • Military and Intelligence Colletion - Over 500 titles and more than 7 million articles with links to related sources outside of the current article: reference books, magazine and newswire articles.
  • War & Terrorism Collection - Researchers and students of history, social science, and current events will gain insight into conflicts: their causes, their impact, and how they are perceived on a global scale. Almost 100 full-text periodicals are included. Coverage begins in 1980.