Research Databases (by Subject)

Select one of the subjects and you will be provided with relevant databases and descriptions. You will be prompted to enter your username and password. These are the same as you use to log-in on-campus .

Business Education Medical & Health
Careers & Occupations History Military & Government
Companies & Industries Humanities Multidisciplinary
Literature Science


- Humanities -
  • Communications and Mass Media Collection - From marketing professionals to students studying for advanced degrees in linguistic theory, this collection provides current and accurate information from more than 100 journals focused on all aspects of the communications field. Key subjects covered include: advertising and public relations, literature and writing, linguistics, and many more.
  • Fine Arts and Music Collection - With more than 100 full-text magazines and journals covered in databases such as the Wilson Art Index and RILM, this collection will provide your students with resources to support research in areas such as drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
  • Pop Culture Collection - This collection provides useful information for any researcher in a social science, history, art, or liberal arts course. The collection is made up of 100 subject-appropriate periodicals, which are predominantly full-text.
  • Religion & Philosophy Collection - Users of this collection can research different religions and philosophies and how they impact our daily lives. The collection is comprised of 250 periodicals, many of which are full-text. Coverage begins in 1980.