Research Databases (by Subject)

Select one of the subjects and you will be provided with relevant databases and descriptions. You will be prompted to enter your username and password. These are the same as you use to log-in on-campus .

Business Education Medical & Health
Careers & Occupations History Military & Government
Companies & Industries Humanities Multidisciplinary
Literature Science


- History -
  • Salem History - Digital versions of the Historical Encyclopedia of American Business, Great Events from History: Modern Scandals, Great Lives from History: Inventors and Inventions, Milestone Documents in African American History, The Encyclopedia of American Immigration, Great Lives From History: The Incredibly Wealthy, Great Lives from History: The 20th Century, and Milestone Documents in American History. Can only be accessed on campus.
  • World History Collection - This collection of nearly 40 predominantly full-text journals provides balanced coverage of events in World History. It is useful both to the novice historian and to the advanced academic researcher.