Research Databases (A - Z)
Select a letter for the alphabetical listing of databases titles/descriptions. Click on the database title and you will be prompted to enter your username and password. These are the same as you use to log-in on-campus
- H -
  • Health Business EliteThis database provides comprehensive journal content detailing all aspects of healthcare institution management.  Topics covered include hospital management, hospital administration, marketing, human resources, computer technology, facilities management and insurance. 
  • Health Reference Center Academic - Includes articles on: Medicine, Nutrition, Diseases, Public Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Alcohol and Drug abuse, HMOs, Prescription Drugs, etc.
  • Health Source: Consumer Edition - Health information on many topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine and general health.
  • Home Improvement Collection - Even the smallest home improvement project can be daunting: with this collection of nearly 100 home improvement focused titles, hobbyists and professional carpenters alike will immediately put their projects on a more solid foundation. Coverage includes such topics as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and many more.
  • Hoover's Online - Provides information on companies, both private and public, and US and non-US. Includes history, competitors, financials, key executives, and industry trends, etc.
  • Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection - With current and relevant content from over 500 industry journals, this collection provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism field, while also allowing for focused study of specialized aspects of the industry - including cultural aspects of travel, leisure activities, economic aspects of tourism, and more.